As you may have noticed Google Analytics has a new tracking and processing platform called Universal Analytics. All accounts will be migrated to Universal Analytics from classic ga.js tracking at some point. If you would like to upgrade now to Universal Analytics you have to take these steps:
1) Look for the Upgrade link in your Google Analytics admin section and click on Transfer on the next page.
You must wait until the transfer has been completed before making any tracking code changes.
2) You must let us know when the transfer is complete. This can take up to 48 hours. We will then set your account to use Universal Analytics. Note that once you upgrade you cannot downgrade.
3) You will need to update the tracking code on your site. You can see the updated code in Your Account > Tracking Code. In most cases this will be a simple copy and paste over your existing monitus code, but the new code completely replaces any existing monitus code. Look out for code for example that may have been installed the footer of the checkout wrapper. That code will have to be removed.
Also note that if you have any event tracking calls on your site, e.g. to track onclick events, you will have to update those code snippets. For example, the event tracking call might look like this:
Classic ga.js: _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'button', 'click', 'nav buttons']);
Universal: ga('send', 'event', 'button', 'click', 'nav buttons');
4) Since more tracking logic has been moved server-side you should also add a couple of domains to the referral exclusion list: , and (to account for Paypal orders)
If you are in doubt about anything, please don’t hesitate to contact us. If you prefer that we handle the upgrade process we’d be happy to do so for a nominal fee of $49.