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Google announced the launch of their Google Apps Gallery on Monday at Emetrics San Jose and guess who made it into the gallery premiere release? Come on – take a shot… That’s right baby: the big M.net! Nor only that, we were (and still are at the time of this writing) the sole application in the E-commerce section… Check it out! Not too shabby!
So why is Google giving us such visibility exactly? Why, thank you for asking you polite reader you… We made it in there for our cool Web Analytics Bridge tool, in particular for our groovy use of events and custom variables… And, while Michael’s not around, let me tell you… There’s some exciting stuff coming on that front – please stay tuned!
Anyway, if you have not started using events yet, please check it out – and contact us if you have questions or need help with anything!
As you wish… But hang on, ’cause this might hurt ye ol’ brain a bit…
How can you track custom variables with our Web Analytics Connector? It’s quite simple, actually. You need to wait for our tracking object to be created, and then you can do whatever you want with it – including setting custom variables! So how would that work? Well, as we saw before, we give you a nifty hook to customize the tracker object before we send the page view to GA – that is the best place to set your custom variables:
function monitus_customize_ga_tracker(pageTracker) {
pageTracker._setCustomVar(2,"My variable","The value",3);
Of course you’ll need to change the actual parameters to the _setCustomVar
call, based on your needs, and the official Google Analytics custom variables documentation.
Still around? All right – so how would you adapt the monitus code to track "onclick" events – say for event tracking? Again, it’s relatively simple… All you need is the name of our tracking object, and to avoid any possible javascript error from popping up, surround everything in a try
<a href="..." onclick="try{ _MONITUS.pageTracker._trackEvent("My Category", "My Action", "My Optional Label", "My Optional Value") }catch(e){};">My tracked link!</a>
Again, you’ll need to change the actual parameters to the _trackEvent
call, based on your needs, and the official Google Analytics events documentation.
All right – let’s tackle something a bit more advanced now… As with all products, there is always people who are not satisfied with the out-of-the-box features, and would like things to work a bit differently… Our Web Analytics Connector was no exception. So for all of you tinkerers out there, we have created a couple of "hooks" – javascript functions that act as point of entries in our normal GoogleAnalytics mechanism so you can complement it and/or customize it. Without further ado, ladies and gents, here they are…
variable. Please be careful which property you modify though, so you don’t break the cross-domain tracking… But it could be used for custom variables, for instance. This is called right before the call to pageTracker._trackPageview();
One last note: for those who need them, monitus potentially creates two tracker objects. The main tracker object is _MONITUS.pageTracker
, and if you use our new Google Website Optimizer wizard, you also have access to it’s tracker object: _MONITUS.woTracker
I hope you will find you have quite enough control to customize the GA tracking with just these two hooks… If not, please, by all means, let us know and we’ll see what we can do!
Not to toot our own horn but… Oh what the heck: TOOOOOOT! This is one clever tool we’ve designed, and it’s part of our base monthly offering too – great deal!
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to specifically target customers based on specific pieces of information? A known example of this is geo-targeting: show some targeted offers to customers, based on where they’re from. (There’s a setting for that) But we go beyond that… Think of PersonaQuest as a light (read "cheaper and much easier to use") targeting tool. With it you can show targeted content to your customers, based on their provenance, habits, etc…
But wait! That’s not all! If you keep on reading, and for a limited time only – because you know we can’t offer this all day – we will throw in integrated A/B testing on steroids: that is, not a simple 50-50 A/B test, but an A/B test where you control the frequency at which versions A and B are shown… It’s also coupled Google Analytics event tracking, which mean you can see how well things are going right there in your GA reports!
And we’re feeling so generous today, we’ll even throw in, for free, another feature: coupons integration! That’s right – match a coupon pool to a particular rule and customers seeing this particular targeted content will each be offered a unique, single-use coupon!
So come on, admit it… TOOOOOOOT!
Glad you asked! It’s almost like this discussion was scripted! So here we go:
This is just a quick tour of the PersonaQuest – but as you can see, the sky is the limit… And we’re also always on the lookout for useful rules to implement and give back to you so you target customers on ever more criteria… So please, by all means, send us your comments and ideas!