Boomerang testing on store pages

All you need to do is place this code as high-up on the page(s) you want to test; the higher the better.

<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>


<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>


<script type=”text/javascript”>BOOMR.init({ beacon_url: document.location.protocol+”//”,RT:{enabled:false},BW:{enabled:false}}); BOOMR.addVar(“mid”, <monitus store ID>);BOOMR._mon=”custom”;BOOMR.addVar(“mode”, BOOMR._mon);BOOMR.plugins.MT.startTimer(“t_done”);</script>

Monitus Tools v2.5

A new year, yet a new version of our tools! : )

This version is mainly a change in how we will be handling your subscription billing, so at first glance, not much exciting going on… However, we never want to leave you guys hanging so…

  • Google Analytics Session Timeout: You can now control the length of sessions in your settings screen. Careful though, as this can greatly affect your data! (longer sessions means less visits, longer time on site, etc…)
  • Delete Dropped Carts Emails: As a courtesy, we now allow you to set how often you want to receive the deleted carts email: daily (default, the current setting), weekly or monthly.

Of course, you knwo what that means, right? A light version now means a jam-packed version later! So stay tuned!

Monitus Tools v2.4

We have not posted a new version in a while – but it does not mean we were not actively working on one! Version 2.4 of our tools bring two very exciting new features:

The Monitus Toolbar for your Store Editor

Ever wondered how to use all that analytics data? Surely you’ve done some digging already, but extracting valuable, actionable data from that mountain of stats can be daunting. We have worked along with Rob Snell to bring some of his SEO techniques to you, right where you work, in the Store Editor. And using your Google Analytics data, we can now suggest a few ways to improve elements on your pages to, hopefully, increase conversions. This is powerful stuff – dynamite stuff, in fact – so don’t delay, have a look today!

Google Website Optimizer Experiment Wizard

We already launched the A/B Wizard a while back… But this is something else: we have worked very hard to bring you a wizard that makes it easier to create multivariate experiments. And the best part is, you only install our code once – then you can launch as many experiments as you want without re-publishing your store! Fast and easy – just like our other tools. Contact us for more information…

We will be going over each new tool in detail over the next few weeks, so please stay tuned!

Monitus Tools upgrade

We are in the process of installing a new version of our tools right now that requires some maintenance on the data. During the upgrade, your account will not be accessible. We will bring everything back to normal as soon as it finished.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Tuesday, December 28th, 4:39 PDT

The upgrade is now finished and all tools should be working normally. We will let you know, over the next few days, what new features we have added – we hope you will find they were worth the wait. Thank you for your patience!