Version 2.2.1

  • [NEW] New PQ “Periods” test (per day(s) and date range)
  • [MOD] PQ’s returning visitors and customers now allow rules per number of visits or conversions
  • [MOD] Now sending customer’s phone number to EL (if provided)
  • [MOD] Now sending visit’s referrer to EL
  • [MOD] Now sending customer’s state to EL
  • [MOD] Cart Recovery’s actual recovery now only considers the visitor’s email (no longer considers the phone)
  • [MOD] Cart Recovery now will mark all dropped cart as recovered for the same email address, within the cart delay range. (duplicate protection)
  • [MOD] New attribution models added to the TA csv file (backwards compatible)
  • [MOD] Added “Days to conversion” column to the TA csv file (backwards compatible)
  • [MOD] PayFlow Sync smarter to reduce number of reported errors

Tips and Tricks

Include this snippet on the page(s) where you want to duplicate field(s):
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript">
function monitus_duplicate_checkout_field(pNewNextSiblingID, pTargetID, pActiveLinkID, pFocus, pHideOriginal) {
if((typeof(MONITUSD_LOADED) == "undefined") || !MONITUSD_LOADED) setTimeout("monitus_duplicate_checkout_field('" + pNewNextSiblingID + "', '" + pTargetID + "', '" + pActiveLinkID + "', " + (pFocus ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (pHideOriginal ? "true" : "false") + ");", 10); else MONITUSD.duplicate_checkout_field(pNewNextSiblingID, pTargetID, pActiveLinkID, pFocus, pHideOriginal);
monitus_duplicate_checkout_field("id of the new sibling item", "labelbilling-email", "billing-email", focus on the new field on page load? (true or false), hide the original field? (true or false)); </script>

To create a brand new section, use something like:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function monitus_rebuild_email() { if((typeof MONITUSD_LOADED == "undefined") || !MONITUSD_LOADED) setTimeout("monitus_rebuild_email();", 10); else { MONITUSD.create_new_section("ys_shipBillShippingInfo", "mon_email", "Your contact email address"); MONITUSD.duplicate_checkout_field("mon_email_placeholder","labelbilling-email", "billing-email", true, true); MONITUSD.duplicate_checkout_field("mon_email_placeholder","labelconfirm-email", "confirm-email", false, true); }} monitus_rebuild_email(); </script>

As high-up on the page as possible, ideally in the <head> tag (before or after the GWO code – doesn’t matter), place:
<script type="text/javascript">var _MONITUS_ignore_WO = true;</script>

Anywhere on the page(s), place:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function YWAT_Customization_Hook(pTracker) { // do whatever you want with pTracker here } try { YWA.getTracker("10001295996995"); // **** You need your tracker ID here! var vFc = YWAT.prototype.submit; YWAT.prototype.submit = function() { if(typeof(YWAT_Customization_Hook) == 'function') YWAT_Customization_Hook(this); this._submit(); }; YWAT.prototype._submit = vFc; } catch(e) { } </script>

Version 2.2.0

  • [NEW] New job mechanism in place for sequential execution of dependent tasks
  • [MOD] Improved web session handling (session cache)
  • [MOD] PQ now uses our public js library to send events
  • [MOD] Better CR affiliate invoice payment handling
  • [MOD] Sphinx duplicated