Version 2.1.2

  • [MOD] Product Categories optimization
  • BETA1: 11/24/08
  • [MOD] Brought Back a freeform version of the Google PowerPost tool
  • BETA2: 11/25/08
  • [NEW] New GeoLocation rules added to the PQ tool
  • BETA3: 12/03/08
  • [MOD] PQ GA events can now be turned on/off, and directed to a separate GA profile
  • BETA4: 12/08/08
  • LIVE: 12/10/08

Keyword Monkey Update

You may have noticed that we have been reworking the Keyword Monkey email report. The reason why we did this can be summed up in one word: actionability. Analytics tools are great for collecting keywords, but where do you start with optimizing if you have hundreds or thousands of keywords? We asked ourselves the same question and decided that it would be more valuable to present relevant information in the email rather than keeping a separate interface for the Keyword Monkey. All your keywords are being collected in your Analytics program and it does not make sense to keep two or more interfaces running at the same time that essentially show the same information. You can see and export keywords from Google Analytics and there will be an API soon to get keywords directly. If you do miss the Keyword Monkey interface we are rolling out an update to our Transaction Assist report that will allow you to export keyword information that you cannot at this point get anywhere else. I will write about the Transaction Assist capabilities separately.

Here is a simple process for using Keyword of the Day (KOTD).

Continue reading

Version 2.1.1

  • [NEW] Added a new set of rules to the PersonaQuest tool: "Returning Visitors"
  • [MOD] Added the landing page to the Transaction Assist report
  • [MOD] Added the csv export to the Transaction Assist report, as well as the front-end UI
  • [MOD] Better Monitus Cart Recovery credit tracking (regex)
  • [BUG] Fixed a bug with the "Offline" switch for PersonaQuests "Returning Customers" rule
  • BETA: 11/04/08
  • LIVE: 11/18/08

Web Analytics Consulting

Few companies have as much real-world experience with web analytics for the Yahoo! Store platform as Monitus. We have worked with many of the largest Yahoo! Stores on a variety of projects to turn web analytics data into actionable information.

We have developed a number of tools that leverage the power of web analytics to give you the information you need to make good business decisions.

Whether you are looking for an advanced custom implementation of Yahoo! Web Analytics or need help finding a set of reports and metrics that make sense for your business, please contact us

Member of the Web Analytics Association