- 04/08/2008: Added new UNIQUE index on catalog_items: yid+store_id
- 05/21/2008: Reduced triggers to strict minimum on central DW
Store modifications
- MyVitanet: adjusted ref_analyzer code; re-published store and checkout
- 04/02/08: copycow (#81)
- 04/04/08: kelley@powerfactorinc.com (#220), massgroup (#155)
- 04/05/08: shirleytan (#114)
- 04/11/08: isiposs (#106), cmyer (#162)
- 04/12/08: usawallpaper (#208)
- 04/14/08: cbagne (#383)
- 04/15/08: turkishcorner (#203), mrbeer (#212), treeco66 (#209)
- 04/16/08: anysystemdotcom (#222)
- 04/17/08: streamlight (#221)
- 04/18/08: ystoretools (#142), sassyangel (#152), 513ventures (#194), Verilux_Monitus_01 (#165)
- 04/21/08: ellabella (#135)
- 04/22/08: Joanmarie (#479), dianemetz (#331)
- 04/24/08: idsuperstore (#174), dario007 (#176), babyshere (#183), trophycentral (#190)
- 04/26/08: xoxide (#239)
- 04/30/08: outdora (#518), chiherbal (#227), unklemakk (#385), younglion (#141)
- 05/01/08: mhkatz (#134), mrscavanaughs (#154)
- 05/13/08: merrikaylee (#192)
- 05/14/07: allwebpromo10 (#210)
- 05/16/08: usmattress (#662)
- 05/17/08: spacesavers (#197)
- 05/28/08: buddy45 (#491)
- 05/28/08-06/01/08: buddy45 (#491), apexsuperstore (#627), supercucch (#621), memorysuppliers (#507) onewayfurniture (#267), scottperry69 (#354)
- 06/06/08: AbbieH (#598), wayzata (#177), overstockart (#169), sundog (#187)
- 06/07/08: opticsplanet (#476), aucomai (#225)
- 06/14/08: allheart (#191)
- 07/08/08: tonerboss (#302)
- 07/10/08: Creative Visions (#156)
Version 2.0.3
New in this version:
- [MOD] Not waiting for body to load for our tools to run; instead, each tool waits for the indicator it needs individually.
- [MOD] Since CR tool now waits for the body, removed the waiting for email and name fields; hopefully this makes the proc send the cart on loading multi-page checkouts, so that when phone number is last field on chekout page 1, it is still sent out when customer clicks "continue" button right after.
- [MOD] Renamed "Turnstile" to "Transaction Central"
- IN BETA: 04/07/08
- LIVE: 04/14/08
Index Tweaks
I have changed the indices on mon_store_keyword: dropped conversion, and transformed store_id (added conversions to it)