"I must say that you are putting your finger on the real important things that make the difference." – R.
Testimonial 2
"This is too cool" – I. S.
Testimonial 1
"You rock. This looks AWESOME." – R. S.
The .monitus.net Benchmark
Measure your Store's relative performance against other Yahoo! Stores. The y axis displays the average orders per day for all Stores and your Stores's orders per day. The x axis displays the last seven days.
We take your privacy seriously! We only track number of orders and nothing else. Your Store's number of orders is aggregated with those of other Stores and there is no information that could be derived about your Store. Of course, if you prefer, you can opt out of this service at any time on the "Your Tools" page.
CSV export and Google Powerpost builder for Keyword Monkey
We have added export capabilities for our keyword monkey tool. You can now easily take your data somewhere else for further analysis or create Google Powerpost ads.