Web Analytics Connector – Page 2

Once our tracking code has been installed on your site, you will see e-commerce data coming into your Google Analytics account.

Getting the order amount and order number from the confirmation page is the easy part. But, the Google Analytics connector goes beyond that by associating referring keywords with transactions and products: this is the real important information. Get detailed and actionable data on:

1. Your top converting keywords:


2. Revenue data by referring source:


3. Revenue data by geographic location


 Plus of course, all the other goodies that you get with Google Analytics!

What exactly are .monitus.net tools?

Starting with the Web Analytics connector for Google Analytics and Yahoo! Stores, we are introducing new tools and services for Yahoo! Store merchants. Requiring only a small piece of Javascript code to be installed on your site, we will keep adding new functionality over the next few few weeks and months.

We believe that there are not enough useful applications specifically developed for the Yahoo! Store platform. We aim to change this by developing tools that meet the following criteria:

  • Real ROI-based tools: you should make more money as a result of using them.
  • A low monthly cost to you and no other charges.
  • Easy on – easy off: leave at any time, no contracts to sign.
  • Easy to use and easy to install: we'll install our tools for free if you wish.
  • Only one codebase to maintain: we improve our tools or add new ones and you will get the benefit immediately.
Posted in faq

Web Analytics Connector – Page 1

A powerful combination: Google Analytics and Monitus Tools. Using patent pending technology to preserve referrer data through the checkout process, our connector allows you to view e-commerce data in this powerful web analytics program.


Here is what you need to use the Google Analytics connector for Yahoo! Stores:

  1. A free Google Analytics account . Apply for one if you don't have one.
  2. A Yahoo! Store, using the new checkout manager.
  3. An account with .monitus.net. Register for free.

What sort of support do you offer?

We can’t support Google Analytics itself but we are on the lookout for tips and tricks to make Google Analytics work better for merchants. The Yahoo! Store connector runs behind the scenes and does not require any settings, except of course to be installed properly. If you suspect that tracking does not work properly, please visit the help forums to see if your question has already been answered. Otherwise contact us via email.

Posted in faq