Cart Recovery – Page 2

Our cart recovery service can monitor your checkout pages and alert you when an incomplete checkout occurs. In your account, simply specify the time delay before you consider a checkout abandoned: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, etc.


Cart Recovery – Page 1

It happens frequently: a shopper starts the checkout process by filling out information, but then doesn't complete the sale. Why? There may be many reasons, but what if you had a way to ask the shopper directly and offer assistance?


What is the value proposition of the shopping cart recovery service?

Studies have shown that you can increase your conversion rate by as much as 48% if you follow up with potential customers who have started – but not completed – the checkout process.

Depending on what profit margin you have on your products, this service could very well pay for itself if you manage to convert just one abandoned cart per month into a sale! And of course, you’ll get great analytics.

Cart Recovery metrics