[MOD] Keyword Monkey now lets merchants set-up a list of keywords to ignore in the Top 10 section of the daily report
[MOD] Re-added support for the new GA code – "reset" everybody to the old code and everybody defaults to the old code.
[NEW] Added CR support for Email Labs
[MOD] CR now saves more demographics: city, state, zip, referrer, medium, campaign, keyword
[NEW] CR can now support Multi-variate testing (test gorups), sent to the email service as one parameter in the form; the email service is responsible for sending different email content based on that flag, generated at random.
[MOD] CR now considers email and phone settings as an OR, not an AND. So if you have requested both email and phone, the cart will be considered valid as soon as either of these two conditions is met. Except of course if you are using an auto-responder – in which case, you absolutely need an email.
[MOD] AnalyticsFox can now get TCentral data in GA
[MOD] CR email now has different snippets for people using 3rd party email service and those who are not.