* The PQ (Persona Quest) module provides widgets and utilities to be used with Monitus.net's PersonaQuest Tool. NOTE: It requires the ldn.monitus.net/jquery.css and ldn.monitus.net/jquery.js files
* @module pq
* @title Persona Quest
* @namespace MUI
* @requires util
if(typeof(MUI) != "undefined") {
if(typeof(MUI.pq) == "undefined") {
* The PQ (Persona Quest) module provides widgets and utilities to be used with Monitus.net's PersonaQuest Tool. NOTE: It requires the ldn.monitus.net/jquery.css and ldn.monitus.net/jquery.js files
* @class pq
* @namespace MUI
* @static
MUI.pq = {
_q: null,
_isQ : function() {
if(MUI.pq._q) return true;
if(typeof(monitus_jquery) != "undefined") {
MUI.pq._q = monitus_jquery;
return true;
return false;
_getOrCreateTarget: function(pSelectorOrHTML) {
var vPopUp = null;
if(MUI.pq._isQ()) {
if(pSelectorOrHTML.indexOf("[]") == 0) {
var vSelector = "mui_pq_" + (new Date()).getTime();
MUI.pq._q("body").append("<span id='" + vSelector + "'>" + pSelectorOrHTML.replace(/^\[\]/i, "") + "</span>");
pSelectorOrHTML = "#" + vSelector;
vPopUp = MUI.pq._q(pSelectorOrHTML);
} else vPopUp = MUI.pq._q(pSelectorOrHTML);
return vPopUp;
* Creates (and optionally displays) a non-blockable dialog.
* @method dialog
* @param {string} pSelectorOrHTML a jQuery selector of the element to use as the dialog OR HTML to use as the dialog's content. (for HTML content, prepend your content with [])
* @param {object} pConfig the configuration to apply to the dialog. Optional. (See http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog for parameters) NOTE: the special "fixed" configuration option will make the dialog a fixed element on the page.
* @return {dialog object} returns the dialog object.
* @static
dialog: function(pSelectorOrHTML, pConfig) {
if(MUI.pq._isQ()) {
var vConfig = pConfig || {};
var vPopUp = MUI.pq._getOrCreateTarget(pSelectorOrHTML);
if(!vConfig.buttons) {
var vSelector = "#" + vPopUp.attr("id");
MUI.pq._q('body').bind('click', function(pEvent) {
if(MUI.pq._q(vSelector).dialog('isOpen') && !MUI.pq._q(pEvent.target).is('.ui-dialog, a') && !MUI.pq._q(pEvent.target).closest('.ui-dialog').length) MUI.pq._q(vSelector).dialog('close');
if(vConfig.fixed) {
var vWidget = vPopUp.dialog("widget");
if(MUI.pq._q.browser.msie && document.compatMode && document.compatMode.match(/backcompat/i)) { // quirks mode
window.monitus_browser_mode = "quirskmode";
var vOffset = vWidget.offset();
vWidget.css({"position": "absolute"});
MUI.pq._q(window).scroll(function() {
var vWindow = MUI.pq._q(window);
vWidget.css({"top": vWindow.scrollTop() + vOffset.top + "px", "left": vWindow.scrollLeft() + vOffset.left + "px"});
} else vWidget.css({"position": "fixed"});
MUI.pq._q(window).resize(function() { vPopUp.dialog("option", "position", vPopUp.dialog("option", "position")); });
return vPopUp;
* Creates and displays a lightbox that can be closed by clicking anywhere outside of it.
* @method lightbox
* @param {string} pSelectorOrHTML a jQuery selector of the element to use as the dialog OR HTML to use as the dialog's content. (for HTML content, prepend your content with [])
* @param {object} pConfig the configuration to apply to the dialog. Optional. (See http://orderedlist.com/blog/articles/fancyzoom-meet-jquery/ for parameters)
* @return {dialog object} returns the dialog object.
* @static
lightbox: function(pSelectorOrHTML, pConfig) {
if(MUI.pq._isQ()) {
var vConfig = pConfig || {autoShow: true};
vConfig.directory = monitus_script_domain;
if(typeof(vConfig.autoShow) == "undefined") vConfig.autoShow = true;
var vPopUp = MUI.pq._getOrCreateTarget(pSelectorOrHTML);
var vID = vPopUp.attr("id");
MUI.pq._q("body").append("<a id='" + vID + "_click'></a>");
var vAnchor = MUI.pq._q("#" + vID + "_click");
vAnchor.attr("href", "#" + vID);
if(vConfig.autoShow) vAnchor.click();
return vPopUp;