Monitus UI Library

util  4

Monitus UI Library > util > MUI.util

static Class MUI.util

These utilities provide generic utilities for manipulating the DOM, or other general functionalities.


kbottom_center - final String

Position Bottom Center.
Default Value: "bc"

kbottom_left - final String

Position Bottom Left.
Default Value: "bl"

kbottom_right - final String

Position Bottom Right.
Default Value: "br"

ktop_center - final String

Position Top Center.
Default Value: "tc"

ktop_left - final String

Position Top Left.
Default Value: "tl"

ktop_right - final String

Position Top Right.
Default Value: "tr"



static string cookie_value ( pName , pDefault )
Get the value of a cookie.
pName <string> name of the cookie to get.
pDefault <string> default value, if the cookie value is not found.
Returns: string
the value of the cookie, or the default value if the cookie does not yet exists.


static integer indexOfInArray ( pNeedle , pHaystack , pFrom )
Find an item in an Array by value.
pNeedle <anything> the object to look for in pHaystack.
pHaystack <array> the array to look in.
pFrom <integer> thje index at which to start the search. Optional; defaults to 0.
Returns: integer
the index of the object in the array OR -1 if not found.


static boolean is_landing_page ( pIgnoreDomains )
Find out if the currently viewed page is a landing page.

A page is considered a landing page if it is not on the same domain as the referrer.

pIgnoreDomains <array> a list of domains to ignore; domains in this list will, for all intents and purposes, be considered the same domain as the current domain.
Returns: boolean
is the currently viewed page a landing page?


static void set_cookie_value ( pName , pHours , pPath , pDomain , pValue )
Set the value of a cookie, or delete it completely.
pName <string> name of the cookie to set.
pHours <string|number> how long should ht ecookie be vlaid for? "-" is forever; "." is no expiry date; "x" deletes the cookie; a number is hte number of hours the cookie is good for
pPath <string> path to set the cookie on.
pDomain <string> domain to set the cookie on.
pValue <string> value of the cookie to set.
Returns: void


static string url_parameter ( pURL , pParameterName , pDefault )
Get a particular parameter from a URL string.
pURL <string> URL string to anlayze.
pParameterName <string> the name of the parameter to extract.
pDefault <string> default value, if the parameter value is not found.
Returns: string
the value of the URL parameter, or the default value if the not found.

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