Monitus UI Library

util  4

Monitus UI Library > util > MUI.util.string

static Class MUI.util.string

These utilities provide generic utilities for manipulating strings.



static string form_inflate ( pTemplate )
Inflate current form values into a template string. You insert special tokens in the template string, and they will be replaced by the equivalent form field value.

Tokens are delimited by the percentage character ("%"), as such:

The name field value is: %name%

In this case, the token "%name%" will be replaced by the value in the form field whoseid is "name"

pTemplate <string> the string to inflate.
Returns: string
the template string, with all tokens inflated.


static string non_null_string ( pString , pDefault )
Easy way to standardize strings; this function will return a default value if the input string is null.
pString <string> the string to test - or null.
pDefault <string> the default value to return, if the input string is, indeed, null.
Returns: string
the input string if not null, or else the default value.

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