* MUI - Monitus UserInterface Javascript Library
* Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Monitus, LLC - www.monitus.com
* The util module provides generic utilities for manipulating the DOM, or other general functionalities.
* @module util
* @title util
* @namespace MUI
if(typeof(MUI) == "undefined") {
var MUI = {
_version: 6,
_objectQueue: {}
var JSON = JSON || {};
JSON.stringify = JSON.stringify || function (obj) {
var t = typeof (obj);
if (t != "object" || obj === null) {
// simple data type
if (t == "string") obj = '"'+obj+'"';
return String(obj);
else {
// recurse array or object
var n, v, json = [], arr = (obj && obj.constructor == Array);
for (n in obj) {
v = obj[n]; t = typeof(v);
if (t == "string") v = '"'+v+'"';
else if (t == "object" && v !== null) v = JSON.stringify(v);
json.push((arr ? "" : '"' + n + '":') + String(v));
return (arr ? "[" : "{") + String(json) + (arr ? "]" : "}");
JSON.parse = JSON.parse || function (str) {
if (str === "") str = '""';
eval("var p=" + str + ";");
return p;
if(typeof(MUI.internal) == "undefined") {
MUI.internal = {
_test_object: function(pObjectName) {
try {
eval("var vObject = window." + pObjectName + ";");
return vObject;
} catch(e) {
return null;
_wait_object: function(pObjectName) {
var vInfo = MUI._objectQueue[pObjectName];
if(vInfo) window.MDEBUG+=","+vInfo+","+vInfo.callbacks.length;
if(vInfo) {
var vObject = MUI.internal._test_object(pObjectName);
if(!vObject) setTimeout("MUI.internal._wait_object('" + pObjectName + "');", 10);
else {
delete MUI._objectQueue[pObjectName];
for(var vLoop = 0; vLoop < vInfo.callbacks.length; vLoop++) MUI.util.dom.wait_object(pObjectName, vInfo.callbacks[vLoop], vInfo.args[vLoop]);
if(typeof(MUI.util) == "undefined") {
* These utilities provide generic utilities for manipulating the DOM, or other general functionalities.
* @class util
* @namespace MUI
* @static
MUI.util = {
kdom_is_ready: false,
* Position Top Left.
* @property ktop_left
* @type String
* @final
* @default "tl"
ktop_left : "tl",
* Position Top Center.
* @property ktop_center
* @type String
* @final
* @default "tc"
ktop_center : "tc",
* Position Top Right.
* @property ktop_right
* @type String
* @final
* @default "tr"
ktop_right : "tr",
* Position Bottom Left.
* @property kbottom_left
* @type String
* @final
* @default "bl"
kbottom_left : "bl",
* Position Bottom Center.
* @property kbottom_center
* @type String
* @final
* @default "bc"
kbottom_center : "bc",
* Position Bottom Right.
* @property kbottom_right
* @type String
* @final
* @default "br"
kbottom_right : "br",
* Find an item in an Array by value.
* @method indexOfInArray
* @param {anything} pNeedle the object to look for in pHaystack.
* @param {array} pHaystack the array to look in.
* @param {integer} pFrom thje index at which to start the search. Optional; defaults to 0.
* @return {integer} the index of the object in the array OR -1 if not found.
* @static
indexOfInArray: function(pNeedle, pHaystack, pFrom) {
if(Array.prototype.indexOf) {
if(typeof(pFrom) == "undefined") return pHaystack.indexOf(pNeedle);
return pHaystack.indexOf(pNeedle, pFrom);
var vLength = pHaystack.length;
var vFrom = Number(arguments[2]) || 0;
vFrom = (vFrom < 0) ? Math.ceil(vFrom) : Math.floor(vFrom);
if(vFrom < 0) vFrom += vLength;
for(; vFrom < vLength; vFrom++) {
if((vFrom in pHaystack) && (pHaystack[vFrom] === pNeedle)) return vFrom;
return -1;
* Find out if the currently viewed page is a landing page.
* <p>A page is considered a landing page if it is not on the same domain as the referrer.</p>
* @method is_landing_page
* @param {array} pIgnoreDomains a list of domains to ignore; domains in this list will, for all intents and purposes, be considered the same domain as the current domain.
* @return {boolean} is the currently viewed page a landing page?
* @static
is_landing_page: function(pIgnoreDomains) {
var vReferringDomain = document.referrer.match(/https?\:\/\/([^/]+)/i);
if(!vReferringDomain) return true;
vReferringDomain = vReferringDomain[1];
for(var vLoop=0; vLoop < pIgnoreDomains.length; vLoop++) {
if(vReferringDomain.indexOf(pIgnoreDomains[vLoop]) >= 0) return false;
return true;
report_error: function(pErrorID, pMessage) {
var vBeacon = new Image(1,1);
vBeacon.src = document.location.protocol + "//beta.monitus.net/bin/1363288253/merr.php?e=" + encodeURIComponent(pErrorID) + "&u=" + encodeURIComponent(document.location) + "&m=" + encodeURIComponent(pMessage);
* Get a particular parameter from a URL string.
* @method url_parameter
* @param {string} pURL URL string to anlayze.
* @param {string} pParameterName the name of the parameter to extract.
* @param {string} pDefault default value, if the parameter value is not found.
* @return {string} the value of the URL parameter, or the default value if the not found.
* @static
url_parameter: function(pURL, pParameterName, pDefault) {
if(!pURL) return pDefault;
var pURL = pURL.split('#')[0];
var vTokens = pURL.split('?');
if(vTokens.length <= 1) return pDefault;
pURL = decodeURI(vTokens[1]);
pParameterName += '=';
var vParameters = pURL.split('&');
for(var vLoop = 0, vParameter; vParameter = vParameters[vLoop]; ++vLoop) {
if(vParameter.indexOf(pParameterName) === 0) return unescape(vParameter.split('=')[1]);
return pDefault;
* Get the value of a cookie.
* @method cookie_value
* @param {string} pName name of the cookie to get.
* @param {string} pDefault default value, if the cookie value is not found.
* @return {string} the value of the cookie, or the default value if the cookie does not yet exists.
* @static
cookie_value: function(pName, pDefault) {
var vCookies = document.cookie;
if((vCookies=="") || !pName || (pName=="")) return pDefault;
var vPrefix = pName + "=";
var vStart = ('' + vCookies).indexOf(vPrefix);
var vIndex = ('' + vPrefix).indexOf("=")+1;
if(vStart>=0) {
var vEnd = ('' + vCookies).indexOf(";", vStart);
if(vEnd<0) vEnd = ('' + vCookies).length;
pDefault = ('' + vCookies).substring((vStart+vIndex), vEnd);
return pDefault;
* Set the value of a cookie, or delete it completely.
* @method set_cookie_value
* @param {string} pName name of the cookie to set.
* @param {string|number} pHours how long should ht ecookie be vlaid for? "-" is forever; "." is no expiry date; "x" deletes the cookie; a number is hte number of hours the cookie is good for
* @param {string} pPath path to set the cookie on.
* @param {string} pDomain domain to set the cookie on.
* @param {string} pValue value of the cookie to set.
* @static
set_cookie_value: function(pName, pHours, pPath, pDomain, pValue) {
if(pHours == "-") pHours = 43800; // "forever"
var vExpiry = "";
if(pHours == "x") {
vExpiry = " expires=Fri, 02-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT;";
} else if(pHours != ".") {
vExpiry = new Date((new Date()).getTime() + (pHours * 3600000));
vExpiry = " expires=" + vExpiry.toGMTString() + ";";
document.cookie = pName + "=" + pValue + ";" + vExpiry + " path=" + pPath + "; domain=" + pDomain;
* These utilities provide generic math utilities.
* @class math
* @namespace MUI.util
* @static
MUI.util.math = {
* Integer division of two numbers.
* @method int_div
* @param {number} pNumerator
* @param {number} pDenominator
* @return {number} result of dividing pNumerator by pDenimoinator (integer).
* @static
int_div: function(pNumerator, pDenominator) {
var vRemainder = pNumerator % pDenominator;
return ((pNumerator - vRemainder) / pDenominator);
* These utilities provide generic utilities for manipulating the DOM.
* @class dom
* @namespace MUI.util
* @static
MUI.util.dom = {
* Execute code when the DOM is ready to be manipulated; this is usually
* faster than waiting for the onload event.
* @method ready
* @param {function} pCallback what to execute when the DOM is ready.
* @static
ready: function(pCallback) {
if(MUI.util.kdom_is_ready) {
if(document.readyState === "complete") {
if(document.attachEvent) {
document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function() {
if(document.readyState === "complete") {
document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", arguments.callee);
window.attachEvent("onload", pCallback);
if(document.documentElement.doScroll && window == window.top)
(function() {
try {
} catch(error) {
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0);
} else {
if(document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', pCallback, false);
window.addEventListener("load", pCallback, false);
if(/KHTML|WebKit|iCab/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
var vTimer = setInterval(function () {
if (/loaded|complete/i.test(document.readyState)) {
}, 10);
window.onload = pCallback;
* Add an event listener to an object.
* @method add_event
* @param {object} pElement the element to listen to.
* @param {string} pEventType the event to listen for. Ex: "load", "click", ...
* @param {function} pFunction the function to execute when the event fires
* @param {boolean} pUseCapture parameter of the same name in the DOM addEventListener function.
* @static
add_event: function(pElement, pEventType, pFunction, pUseCapture) {
if(pElement.addEventListener) {
pElement.addEventListener(pEventType, pFunction, pUseCapture);
return true;
} else if(pElement.attachEvent) {
var vResult = pElement.attachEvent('on' + pEventType, pFunction);
return vResult;
} else {
pElement['on' + pEventType] = pFunction;
* Wait for a javascript object instance to be created in the window.
* @method wait_object
* @param {string} pObjectName the name of the intance to wait for; basicalyl, the name of the variable.
* @param {function} pCallBack the code to run when the instance is created.
* @param {array} pArguments an array of arguments passed to the callback function.
* @static
wait_object: function(pObjectName, pCallBack, pArguments) {
var vObject = MUI.internal._test_object(pObjectName);
if(vObject) {
pCallBack.apply(this, pArguments);
} else {
var vInfo = MUI._objectQueue[pObjectName];
if(!vInfo) {
vInfo = {callbacks: [], args: []};
MUI._objectQueue[pObjectName] = vInfo;
setTimeout("MUI.internal._wait_object('" + pObjectName + "');", 10);
* Rename an element, by adding a suffix, and its dependants, if applicable.
* For instance, some form filed might have labels associated with them; this function
* will also adjust the "for" attribute of the label.
* @method rename_element
* @param {object} pElement the element to rename.
* @param {string} pSuffix the suffix to add to the object's name.
* @param {boolean} pDeep also rename all the object's children?
* @static
rename_element: function(pElement, pSuffix, pDeep) {
if(!pElement || !pSuffix) return;
if(pElement.getAttribute) {
if(pElement.getAttribute("name")) pElement.setAttribute("name", pElement.getAttribute("name") + pSuffix);
if(pElement.getAttribute("id")) pElement.setAttribute("id", pElement.getAttribute("id") + pSuffix);
if(pElement.getAttribute("for")) pElement.setAttribute("for", pElement.getAttribute("for") + pSuffix);
} else {
if(pElement.name) pElement.name += pSuffix;
if(pElement.id) pElement.id += pSuffix;
if(pDeep) {
for(var vLoop = 0; vLoop < pElement.childNodes.length; vLoop++) {
MUI.util.dom.rename_element(pElement.childNodes[vLoop], pSuffix, pDeep);
* Get a list of objects on the page.
* <p><strong>Selectors: </strong> supported selectors are:
* <ul>
* <li><strong>.myClass: </strong> will return all objects whose class contains "myClass"; it's a shortcut for {class=myClass}</li>
* <li><strong>.myClass[indices]: </strong> will return, from the list of all objects whose class contains "myClass", the item(s) at indices "indices" (ex: [1,2])</li>
* <li><strong>{anAttribute=aValue}: </strong> will return all objects whose attribute "anAttribute" is equal to "aValue"; the value can be a string, or a RegExp-like string: ##<regex expression##<modifiers>.</li>
* <li><strong>{anAttribute=aValue}[indices]: </strong> will return, from the list of all objects whose attribute "anAttribute" is equal to "aValue", the item(s) at indices "indices" (ex: [1,2])</li>
* <li><strong>anythingElse: </strong> will return all objects whose id is equal to "&anythingElsequot;</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @method get_objects
* @param {string} pTag the tag to look for. Ex: "img", "input", etc...
* @param {string} pSelector the selector; see note above.
* @param {object} pRoot the object to look into. Optional; defaults to the whole document.
* @return {array} list of found objects; empty array if none found.
* @static
get_objects: function(pTag, pSelector, pRoot) {
var vObjects = [];
if(!pRoot) pRoot = document;
if(!pSelector.match(/^\.|\{/)) return [pRoot.getElementById(pSelector)];
var vAttribute = vValue = null;
var vIndices = null;
var vTokens = pSelector.match(/^(.+?)\[([\d,]+)\]$/);
if(vTokens) {
pSelector = vTokens[1];
vIndices = vTokens[2].split(",");
if(pSelector.match(/^\./)) {
vAttribute = (navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i) ? "className" : "class");
vValue = new RegExp("(^|\s)" + pSelector.substr(1) + "(\s|$)", "i");
} else {
vTokens = pSelector.match(/\{([^\=\s]+?)\s*?\=\s*([^\}]*?)\}/);
if(vTokens) {
vAttribute = vTokens[1];
vValue = vTokens[2];
vTokens = vValue.match(/^##(.+)\##(.*?)$/);
if(vTokens) vValue = new RegExp(vTokens[1], vTokens[2]);
if(vAttribute) {
var vElements = pRoot.getElementsByTagName(pTag);
for(var vLoop = 0; vLoop < vElements.length; vLoop++) {
if(typeof(vValue) == "string") {
if(vElements[vLoop].getAttribute(vAttribute) == vValue) vObjects.push(vElements[vLoop]);
} else {
if(vValue.test(vElements[vLoop].getAttribute(vAttribute))) vObjects.push(vElements[vLoop]);
if(vIndices) {
var vTargets = [];
for(var vLoop = 0; vLoop < vIndices.length; vLoop++) {
var vIndex = parseInt(vIndices[vLoop]);
if((vIndex >= 0) && (vIndex < vObjects.length)) vTargets.push(vObjects[vIndex]);
return vTargets;
return vObjects;
* Get a the first object on the page, that matches the selector.
* <p><strong>Selectors: </strong> see MUI.util.dom.get_objects</p>
* @method get_object
* @param {string} pTag the tag to look for. Ex: "img", "input", etc...
* @param {string} pSelector the selector; see note above.
* @param {object} pRoot the object to look into. Optional; defaults to the whole document.
* @return {object} the first object found, or null if none found.
* @static
get_object: function(pTag, pSelector, pRoot) {
var vObjects = MUI.util.dom.get_objects(pTag, pSelector, pRoot);
return (vObjects && (vObjects.length > 0) ? vObjects[0] : null);
object_by_name_attribute: function(pTag, pName, pRoot) {
return MUI.util.dom.get_object(pTag, "{name=" + pName + "}", pRoot);
* These utilities provide generic utilities for manipulating strings.
* @class string
* @namespace MUI.util
* @static
MUI.util.string = {
* Easy way to standardize strings; this function will return a default value if the input string is null.
* @method non_null_string
* @param {string} pString the string to test - or null.
* @param {string} pDefault the default value to return, if the input string is, indeed, null.
* @return {string} the input string if not null, or else the default value.
* @static
non_null_string: function(pString, pDefault) {
if(!pDefault) pDefault = "";
return (pString ? pString : pDefault);
* Inflate current form values into a template string.
* You insert special tokens in the template string, and they will be replaced by the equivalent form field value.
* <p>Tokens are delimited by the percentage character ("%"), as such:<br /><br />
* <code>The name field value is: %name%</code><br /><br />
* In this case, the token "%name%" will be replaced by the value in the form field whoseid is "name"
* </p>
* @method form_inflate
* @param {string} pTemplate the string to inflate.
* @return {string} the template string, with all tokens inflated.
* @static
form_inflate: function(pTemplate) {
if(pTemplate) {
do {
var vTokens = ("" + pTemplate).match(/%([^%]+)%/);
if(vTokens) {
var vObject = document.getElementById(vTokens[1]);
var vValue = "";
try { vValue = vObject.value } catch(e) { }
var vRE = new RegExp(vTokens[0], "g");
pTemplate = pTemplate.replace(vRE, vValue);
} while(pTemplate && vTokens);
return pTemplate;
* These utilities provide ui elments.
* @class ui
* @namespace MUI.util
* @static
MUI.util.ui = {
* Create a pop-up div; these pop-ups are not blocked by pop-up blockers, as they are not in a separate window.
* @method create_pop_up
* @param {string} pText title of the button to show the pop-up.
* @param {url} pImage url of the image used on the button. Optional.
* @param {string} pPlaceholderID id of the element into which the button shoudl be placed.
* @param {string} pPopUpID id of the div to show as the pop-up content. If the div does not exist, one will be created.
* @param {function} pPopUpFc function to be called when the button is clicked.
* @return {button} a reference to the created button; the button will have a "popup" property, for quick access to the popup div.
* @static
create_pop_up: function(pText, pImage, pPlaceholderID, pPopUpID, pPopUpFc) {
var vButton = null;
try {
var vPlaceholder = document.getElementById(pPlaceholderID);
if(vPlaceholder) {
var vPopUp = document.getElementById(pPopUpID);
if(!vPopUp) {
vPopUp = document.createElement("div");
vPopUp.id = pPopUpID;
vPopUp.style.display = "none";
vButton = document.createElement("a");
vButton.popup = vPopUp;
vButton.href = "#";
vButton.title = pText;
vButton.style.border = "none";
if(pImage) {
var vImage = document.createElement("img");
vImage.src = pImage;
vImage.style.border = "none";
} else vButton.appendChild(document.createTextNode(pText));
MUI.util.dom.add_event(vButton, "click", pPopUpFc, true);
if(vPlaceholder.nextSibling) vPlaceholder.parentNode.insertBefore(vButton, vPlaceholder.nextSibling);
else vPlaceholder.parentNode.appendChild(vButton);
} catch(e) { }
return vButton;
* Badge an image: adds an image (badge) over another image (target).
* @method badge_image
* @param {url} pBadgeURL url of the badge image; the image should be a file with a transparent background.
* @param {string|node} pSelectorOrNode the selector to find the target image to badge. (See MUI.util.dom.get_objects for a description of selectors) OR the target image directly.
* @param {string} pPosition one of: MUI.util.ktop_right (default), MUI.util.ktop_center, MUI.util.ktop_left, MUI.util.kbottom_right, MUI.util.kbottom_center or MUI.util.kbottom_left
* @static
badge_image: function(pBadgeURL, pSelectorOrNode, pPosition, pTargetSize, pBadgeSize) {
if(!pPosition) pPosition = "tr";
var vTarget = (typeof(pSelectorOrNode) == "string") ? MUI.util.dom.get_object("img", pSelectorOrNode) : pSelectorOrNode;
if((typeof(pSelectorOrNode) == "string") && !vTarget) setTimeout("MUI.util.ui.badge_image('" + pBadgeURL + "', '" + pSelectorOrNode + "', '" + pPosition + "');");
else {
var vWidthProp = "naturalWidth";
if(typeof(vTarget[vWidthProp]) == "undefined") vWidthProp = "width";
var vHeightProp = "naturalHeight";
if(typeof(vTarget[vHeightProp]) == "undefined") vHeightProp = "height";
var vBadgeURL = pBadgeURL;
var vSelector = pSelectorOrNode;
var vPosition = pPosition;
if(!pTargetSize) {
var vImage = new Image();
vImage.onload = function() {
MUI.util.ui.badge_image(vBadgeURL, vSelector, vPosition, [vImage[vWidthProp], vImage[vHeightProp]]);
vImage.src = vTarget.src;
}else if(!pBadgeSize) {
var vTargetSize = pTargetSize;
var vImage = new Image();
vImage.onload = function() {
MUI.util.ui.badge_image(vBadgeURL, vSelector, vPosition, vTargetSize, [vImage[vWidthProp], vImage[vHeightProp]]);
vImage.src = pBadgeURL;
} else if((pTargetSize.length >= 2) && (pBadgeSize.length >= 2)) {
var vAlign = vTarget.getAttribute("align");
var vWrapper = document.createElement("span");
vWrapper.style.position = "relative";
vTarget.parentNode.insertBefore(vWrapper, vTarget);
vTarget.style.position = "relative";
var vBadge = document.createElement("img");
vBadge.className = "__mui_badge";
vBadge.style.position = "absolute";
vBadge.style.border = "none";
vBadge.style.zIndex = 1000000;
vBadge.style.width = pBadgeSize[0] + "px";
vBadge.style.height = pBadgeSize[1] + "px";
if(vAlign && (vAlign.match(/left/i) || vAlign.match(/right/i))) {
vWrapper.style.float = vAlign;
vTarget.setAttribute("align", "");
if(pPosition.match(/^b/i)) vBadge.style.bottom = (navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i) ? "0" : "2") + "px";
else vBadge.style.top = "auto";
if(navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i) && pPosition.match(/r$/i)) vBadge.style.left = (pTargetSize[0] - pBadgeSize[0]) + "px";
else if(pPosition.match(/r$/i)) vBadge.style.right = "0px";
else if(pPosition.match(/c$/i)) vBadge.style.left = MUI.util.math.int_div((pTargetSize[0] - pBadgeSize[0]), 2) + "px";
else vBadge.style.left = "0px";
vBadge.src = pBadgeURL;
* Badge a collection of images: adds an image (badge) over another image (target).
* @method badge_images
* @param {url} pBadgeURL url of the badge image; the image should be a file with a transparent background.
* @param {string} pPredicate a selector (See MUI.util.dom.get_objects for a description of selectors) or an array of object IDs.
* @param {string} pPosition one of: MUI.util.ktop_right (default), MUI.util.ktop_center, MUI.util.ktop_left, MUI.util.kbottom_right, MUI.util.kbottom_center or MUI.util.kbottom_left
* @static
badge_images: function(pBadgeURL, pPredicate, pPosition, pNoWait) {
// pPredicate is either a class name, or an array of IDs
// pPosition is "tl", "tr", "bl" or "br" -- default is "tr"
var vHotCache = new Image();
vHotCache.src = pBadgeURL;
if(typeof(pPredicate) == "string") {
if(pNoWait) {
var vObjects = MUI.util.dom.get_objects("img", pPredicate);
if(vObjects.length == 1) MUI.util.ui.badge_image(pBadgeURL, pPredicate, pPosition);
else {
for(var vLoop = 0; vLoop < vObjects.length; vLoop++) MUI.util.ui.badge_image(pBadgeURL, vObjects[vLoop], pPosition);
} else {
var vBadgeURL = pBadgeURL;
var vPredicate = pPredicate;
var vPosition = pPosition;
MUI.util.dom.ready(function() {
MUI.util.ui.badge_images(vBadgeURL, vPredicate, vPosition, true);
} else {
for(var vLoop = 0; vLoop < pPredicate.length; vLoop++) MUI.util.ui.badge_image(pBadgeURL, pPredicate[vLoop], pPosition);
MUI.utilities = {
rename_element: function(pElement, pSuffix, pDeep) { MUI.util.dom.rename_element(pElement, pSuffix, pDeep); },
add_event: function(pElement, pEventType, pFunction, pUseCapture) { MUI.util.dom.add_event(pElement, pEventType, pFunction, pUseCapture); },
non_null_string: function(pString, pDefault) { return MUI.util.string.non_null_string(pString, pDefault); },
wait_object: function(pObjectName, pCallBack, pArguments) { MUI.util.dom.wait_object(pObjectName, pCallBack, pArguments); },
is_landing_page: function(pIgnoreDomains) { return MUI.util.is_landing_page(pIgnoreDomains); },
object_by_name_attribute: function(pTag, pName, pRoot) { return MUI.util.dom.object_by_name_attribute(pTag, pName, pRoot); },
form_inflate: function(pString) { return MUI.util.string.form_inflate(pString); },
create_pop_up: function(pText, pImage, pPlaceholderID, pPopUpID, pPopUpFc) { return MUI.util.ui.create_pop_up(pText, pImage, pPlaceholderID, pPopUpID, pPopUpFc); },
report_error: function(pErrorID, pMessage) { MUI.util.report_error(pErrorID, pMessage); },
cookie_value: function(pName, pDefault) { return MUI.util.cookie_value(pName, pDefault); },
set_cookie_value: function(pName, pHours, pPath, pDomain, pValue) { return MUI.util.set_cookie_value(pName, pHours, pPath, pDomain, pValue); }
MUI.util.dom.ready(function() { MUI.util.kdom_is_ready = true; });